Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Switchers in the Fog

OC Switcher along the Willamette River in Oregon City.

As I was sitting down to my computer at 6:30 this morning, I was surprised to hear a horn outside that sounded distinctly like one of UP's SW1500s (the technical term used at Portland's Albina yard is "little switchy engine"). Guessing correctly that the OC Switcher was making a late switch down at the Blue Heron mill, I headed out into the morning fog. After just missing them twice in the mill, I finally caught up to them as they were departing town, running along the river on their way back to Clackamas.


Nick Suydam said...

Nice. Very nice.

LouT1501 said...

Great photo!

Elrond Lawrence said...

Wow, that is sweet. It's especially cool with headlight beams each way.